Jeannie Mayo has been leading us each morning in our daily send off services. This morning, we started focusing on how our friends play an important role in our spiritual lives. As the day went on, we saw this lived out all about campus.

Work on the sites has been progressing quite well. Josh’s crew is doing some interior painting and will soon be done at their site. Phil’s crew will finish up their exterior painting job tomorrow morning and today his resident joined the crew for their devotion time. At the the age of 14, she was forced to leave her childhood home. Her story has really resonated with the youth who are of a similar age when this incident occured. She is still young and they had a God sighting today as the resident’s son was acepted into a Christian school. Jack’s crew is also close to finishing and they are really growing closer to their residents. They have joined in group devotions and shared extensively.

Tonight was a fairly emotional service which asked the campers to look at their lives and the choices they make. This particular camp has a lot of 1st time campers and few of them took the program seriously. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of young men and women and their commitment to taking this week seriously is something we cannot take for granted.

Tonight also marked the beginning of the faith competitions where Meghan destroyed everyone by successfully completing 16 pull-ups… Congratulations to Meghan for finding a way to humble Chad… Tomorrow’s competition is the 100 yard dash and hopefully we will see a few of Faith’s finest talents on display in the variety show as audiotions were today.

Tomorrow is a half day of work and we’ll spend the afternoon exploring Savannah. Until then, keep the faith!