Friday, our last work day, was interrupted by lots of rain. However, many of us were still able to successfully complete our projects. We all revealed a special gift to our residents. Many of our crews gave group photos, Papa H’s crew took his family grocery shopping, and Rachel’s crew planted a new tree for their resident. All of the residents were super excited and grateful for these special gifts. Katie’s worksite was visited by reporters from the local newspaper and we were happy to see the community’s interest in our cause. Many of us, including Lynn, Katie, Chad, and Jayme, stayed late at our worksites until everything was complete. Jackie was especially excited to see her project finished because it meant her resident could use her new wheelchair ramp to attend our Friday night program. Overall, many of our residents were able to join us that evening as we thanked them for opening their homes to us. After the program, all 420 campers lined up to move the 4,950 cans that were donated by the campers churches this week. It was an awesome sight. Dan and Rachael were thrilled to find the first can of Spam! Last minute care cards were written before the removal of the rack and we were all saddened to have to say goodbye to our work crews that we grew close to this week. A cruel and unjust punishment was awarded to Rachael in the fastest game of silent football ever played. This involved petting a half eaten peep in the hallway while saying to passers-by, “Pretty Bird!”

This morning, after packing up the vans, we headed to Washington D.C. to tour the Capital building. Many of us then hiked two miles to visit Abe in the Lincoln Memorial. During this walk, just when we thought he was out of walking range, Karen reached down to find a $5 bill restoring our hopes. We were all excited to have successfully explored D.C. Papa H came to our rescue by saving us from a long wall back to the car. We arrived safely at St. Mark’s Church in Maryland where we will be spending the night. After filling up on pizza from Giusseppi’s, Tyler won a Peep eating contest, and we reflected on the week. Tomorrow we will be heading home, arriving sometime in the midafternoon. We look forward to seeing our family and friends and sharing our week’s experiences with them. Until then, keep the Faith.